NATA Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2024 - 2025 | NATA Exam



  • Part A shall consist of time-based Preferential Type Questions (PTQ) and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ ) and Part B shall consist of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) only.
  • Both Parts shall be computer-based and are to be answered in PC/laptop. Questions and all instructions will be available only in the English medium.
  • The pattern of questions for Part-B shall be as follows:
  • PCM (MCQ) 15 Questions X 1.5 mark each
  • General Aptitude (MCQ) 35 Questions X 1.5 marks each
  • & Logical reasoning
  • The 50 questions are to be answered in 45 minutes.
  • There will be an interval of 3 minutes (rollover period) between Part-B and Part-A.
  • The pattern of questions for Part-A shall be as follows:
  • Question 1 shall be PTQ type and carry 17 Marks (4 choices each with variable marks) totaling 17 marks (12 minutes)
  • Questions 2, 3 & 4 shall be PTQ type and carry 16 Marks each (4 right answers; each right answer 4 marks) totaling 48 marks (12 minutes each)
  • Question 5 to 10 shall be MCQ type and carry 10 Marks each totaling 60 marks (4 minutes each)
  • Questions will appear one by one and are to be answered within maximum time. After the candidate answers a question or its maximum time limit exceeds, the system will move forward to the next question. Going back and forth of questions is not allowed.


Cognitive skills for Drawing and visual composition Test (Part-A)

The candidate has to attempt 10 questions (Preferential Type/MCQ) within 72 minutes on PC/laptop. The drawing aptitude is judged on the following aspects

  • Understanding the important visual principles in a composition (2D OR 3D) such as balance, rhythm, direction, hierarchy, etc.
  • Understanding geometry and the ability to visualize the shape and solve geometrical puzzles to test spatial intelligence
  • Understanding color theory and the various terminologies to test color scheme awareness and knowledge.
  • Visual system interpretation and perception to test graphical similarities and other properties
  • Ability to understand spatial relationship between objects, and to visualize images and scenarios
  • Tests for cognitive ability: perception, attention, recognition, memory, etc.

Test on PCM and General Aptitude (Part-B)

There shall be 50 questions to be answered on PC/laptop within 45 minutes. Each question shall have four options out of which, only one option is correct. Each correct response will yield 1.5 marks. There is no negative marking.